Seiko Lenses

Seiko Optical Products

Seiko has produced lenses for over 40 years and is supplying over 30 countries worldwide. In 2004 Pentax Corp. merged their eyeglass product division with Seiko Optical Products Co. and together the brands offer advanced products giving a wide range of vision correction.

Seiko Single Vision

The Seiko brand is most commonly associated with watches but the passion for precision has also been applied to the design and manufacture of spectacle products.

Lens Description Diameter (mm) Powers Combined
Seiko Featured Single Vision
AR Diacoat 1.50 MAR (Stock) 65 / 70 - 6 / + 2 + 4 / - 2
Super 16 Plus Spheric UV MAR (Stock) 72 / 75 - 8 / + 2 (Minus Only)
Super 16 Plus Spheric UV MAR (Surfaced) 55 / 75 - 14 / + 4 + 8.50 / - 4
Super 16 MX Plus Aspheric UV MAR (Stock) 75 - 8 / + 2 (Minus Only)
Super 16 MX Plus Aspheric UV MAR (Surfaced) 55 / 80 -10 / + 4 + 8 / - 4
SV 1.67 UV Spheric MAR (Stock) 75 - 8 / - 2 (Minus Only)
SV 1.67 UV Spheric MAR (Surfaced) 55 / 80 - 10 / + 4 + 6 / - 4
Super SV 1.67 Aspheric UV MAR (Stock) 70 - 10 / + 2 (Minus Only)
Super SV 1.67 Aspheric UV MAR (Surfaced) 55 / 75 - 15 / + 6 + 16 / - 5
SSV Transitions 1.67 Aspheric UV MAR 55 / 70 - 15 / + 6 + 10 / - 6
SPG 1.74 Aspheric UV MAR (Stock) 70 - 10 / + 2 (Minus Only)
SPG 1.74 Aspheric UV MAR (Surfaced) 55 / 70 - 15 / + 4 + 10 / - 4

Pentax Single Vision

In Pentax branded lenses, you'll see the same attention to detail paid to Seiko branded lenses. They offer an excellent combination of clarity, performance and durability.

Lens Description Diameter (mm) Powers Combined
Pentax Featured Single Vision
1.6 UV AR (Stock) 65 / 70 - 8 / + 2 (Minus Only)
1.6 UV AR 65 / 75 - 10 / + 5 + 6 / - 5
AS 1.6 UV AR (Stock) 65 / 75 - 8 / + 2 (Minus Only)
AS 1.6 UV AR 65 / 75 - 16 / + 5 + 8 / - 5
AS 1.67 UV AR (Stock) 65 / 80 - 10 / + 2 (Minus Only)
AS 1.67 UV AR 65 / 80 - 18 / + 5 + 8 / - 5
AS 1.67 UV AR Transitions 65 / 80 - 15 / + 5 + 8 / - 5
Atoric 1.67 UV AR 70 / 80 - 12 / + 5 + 8 / - 5
AS 1.74 UV AR (Stock) 70 / 75 - 10 / + 2 (Minus Only)
AS 1.74 UV AR 65 / 75 - 15 / + 4 - 10 / + 4
Seiko Pentax